Thursday, August 16, 2018

'We Butterfly Life'

Few days back, lying in my bed, counted the green radium stars glued on the roof, hanging partially; few torn and few those are alive on the roof. My seeking eyes in the midst of night watched the roof of my room, my mind couldn’t stop thinking. My mind questioned me, ‘Do I need to change myself to be happy’? 

Those eyes of mine kept staring at the roof for the answers. My hand twirled few hair strands of my hair, the more I twirl, it increased my pace of thoughts. The world of ours, infact, for everyone, I think roof of the room is ‘The Space World’.   A wooden roof or a brick one, whatsoever material made up of, doesn’t matter, what matters is the roof’s gravitational pull of our thoughts, trust me, incredible. Isn’t that has ever happened with you? I feel few nodding their heads ‘Yes’. Relaxing in bed, crossing legs and keeping both hands behind your head and zillions of thoughts knocking your head and trying hard to find answers. 

My incredible thoughtful roof of my room made my mind still by captivating me in wonderful cocoon of thoughts ‘ Can I express myself?’  I said to myself ‘Yes, I can’. There it goes; my blog is not for any lifestyle or fashion or food critics or for travellers. But, yes it is for all of those millions of people life Dreams, Desire, & Fantasy life called as ‘Butterfly Life’.  I am one of you.

Some are unspoken, some unheard, but when you read all of them in my Blog ‘Butterfly Life’ every word is you ,somewhere I am you and you are someone and someone is somebody else. It sounds complicated but isn’t. You will come to know as and when you keep reading all of what I share with you in ‘Butterfly Life’.

Unidentified and find yourself in ‘Butterfly Life’ which is very close to everyone’s heart.

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