Thursday, August 16, 2018

‘Morning Me Time’

My Mind is calm, my mind is at peace, when I have two sips of Tea. That is not defined for everyone.

It is said one of the greatest life’s pleasure is to sleep. But have we ever thought just two sips of morning cup of tea or coffee in your hand, walking towards your window or balcony with an open space to look around, the wide sky and silence of nature makes your mind so calm. It’s beautiful you. The morning breeze sways away all your thoughts and there is a sense of relief in you.

To refresh yourself, it’s not required to have some beverages but yes what I meant is ‘Morning Me Time’. Absolutely, I forgot to add for those set of people who loves ‘Morning Me Time’ with a cigarette .In every puff of smoke, the rings of smoke has a thought which makes an exit from his/her mind. We have another set of people especially couples, James after a good sleep, wakes up and sit close to his lawn, after few minutes of silence,he doze off, in his dreams with a shake he wakes up, drooling, as if chased by a ferocious tiger, well it's not the tiger, it's his wife screaming' Honey, what are you doing here?'. Well, he is as fresh as if he was awake. James answered ," O my darling, you look so pretty, today it's so beautiful as you". "Those few minutes of Morning Me Time was so fabulous." sighs James to himself. Few of those never ever have seen Morning Me Time, just wake up with half eyes closed, do morning stuff and rush to office. 

Last night you argued with your boss, spouse, your colleague, friends, children, parents (so many people around you),suddenly, the next morning, no one is with you and it’s you and the silence. Deep down inside our heart, our success happiness, regret, guilt, sacrifice, fear, all packages of emotions disappear. And what remains is a smile and some kind of hope in our eyes.

 How much ever we called ourselves as socialist world of ours, somewhere we like to be alone at some point of time.. Isn’t it true? I feel a gentle smile on your face. 
Enjoy every morning ‘The silence and solitude’.  

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