My friend asked me, “Is that being single is
killing the sexual drive? It feels like my libido has dropped.” Well,
it’s not about only singles, partners are also experiencing sex
unejoyable. Need a Sexual Active Check. Well lot of readers will disagree
with me ,’Sex an unenjoyable’. Well, I do agree with you all, sex can be mediocre and for some pleasurable.
Sex can be pleasurable only if both of partners fantasies meet each other, that doesn’t happen so often in a couple. Fantasies takes both of them to higher level of sexual chemistry. My friend shared with me her horrible night when she was sexually active but after meeting her partner, she couldn’t be intimate on that day, even though everything was alright. She sighs and said to me, “Some days are not meant to be sexually active. But do I need a sexual active check?”. There it goes. It is not about someone being single needs sexual active check, even people who are in relationship needs too. Couple of times, we feel we are not part of society of not being sexually active. Have you ever thought about someone asking you with his raised eyebrows’, “Ops how long you have not been sexually active?”. Your answer, “Ahmmm ,may be a year”. Someone, with a sad expression “That’s a very long time. How did you manage to control?”. It seems that you are socially detached, abandoned by men, deserves pity and not accepted in the society for not being sexually active. Well, out of practice.Then you ask yourself 'Am I a lesbian?', so many questions in your mind. Well, definitely not, but why I am not sexually active. It's just that..ahmmm..ahmmm , I dont have the answer to it.
Sex can be pleasurable only if both of partners fantasies meet each other, that doesn’t happen so often in a couple. Fantasies takes both of them to higher level of sexual chemistry. My friend shared with me her horrible night when she was sexually active but after meeting her partner, she couldn’t be intimate on that day, even though everything was alright. She sighs and said to me, “Some days are not meant to be sexually active. But do I need a sexual active check?”. There it goes. It is not about someone being single needs sexual active check, even people who are in relationship needs too. Couple of times, we feel we are not part of society of not being sexually active. Have you ever thought about someone asking you with his raised eyebrows’, “Ops how long you have not been sexually active?”. Your answer, “Ahmmm ,may be a year”. Someone, with a sad expression “That’s a very long time. How did you manage to control?”. It seems that you are socially detached, abandoned by men, deserves pity and not accepted in the society for not being sexually active. Well, out of practice.Then you ask yourself 'Am I a lesbian?', so many questions in your mind. Well, definitely not, but why I am not sexually active. It's just that..ahmmm..ahmmm , I dont have the answer to it.
It is just like we are so concern about our health,
mind and body, we are equally concern about we not being sexually active, which
is unsaid. It has now become a 'buzz' these days.
If I talk about men, for most men, physical
intimacy is necessity as it is the provocation of their reproductive organ
which directs their mind psychology towards sexuality. We are aware of it but
never speak about it that tantalized by the fantasy world, men sometimes
experience without their partner of being single happy ending. Ever they try to
control someone, is the ‘Little’ creation of nature. Well, for women it sounds
‘Ridiculous’ as how can a man has such fantasy even though in relationship.
Well for women, to be sexually active, we need to
fall in love with someone, BUT hold on, women have their deep desire to
experience waves of pleasure in intimacy. ‘Oh my God, Oh my God’, she screams
and moans and in the middle of intimacy, her mind sets to momentary ‘
FLASHBACK’, my previous boyfriend was better in this position. It’s not
awkward, women feels how much intense she is sexually active. Well it’s
unknowingly. My friend discovers a new style of Sexual Active Check,
standalone in the shower, when water flows over me, my butt against the wall, water running down my bosom, the wicked sweet flames thrills
and tighten my body and it says ‘I am Sexually Active’.
Exploring every zones of your body is your body
craving for it. Every human wants to fulfil their deep desire and try to work
on their fantasies to have a check if I am ‘Sexually Active’.
Thanks for sharing