Thursday, August 16, 2018


I think ever any word in your ears sounds so good, is the word 'Sorry' like a tender bite of your beloved. Feels sweet,pain and we smile.
So much like chocolates, we melt as soon as we hear this word.  It feels like sprinkling of holy water in a Church, purifies your soul, clears your heart from guilt, vengeance, hate towards others.Inhaling air inside your lungs and exhaling it with a sense of relief and blow out some air from your mouth, making sound ‘wooofff’. It feels so good. Awesome.  

Such a beautiful word ‘Sorry’ that it does not need any explanation for an apology.  It is the easiest way to just let go off all the deeds of others who hurted you. WAIT! WAIT! 

It’s deceptive, Yes, SORRY can be unreliable.... before you come to a conclusion that ‘SORRY’ is pardonable.   Yes few times, not everytime. ‘ Knowingly SORRY’,  sounds bizarre.  Is there something called as ‘Knowingly Sorry’? Yes, some people has introspected you so much that they know even though they make mistakes intentionally, they get away from others by saying ‘SORRY'. It is really difficult to judge who is genuine with his /her ‘SORRY’.  I had a friend of mine who kept saying ‘SORRY’ to me every time, feels like for me to have everyday same breakfast of oats & milk. Well I think it’s a habit for her but never saw any change in her, repeating her mistakes all the time. May be when she proposes a guy in her life, she will say to him , ‘I am sorry I love you so much’. That’s a favorite word of her.

Someone asked me that how do I know ‘SORRY’ is genuine or not. I also don’t have the answer, but yes  I advised her just forgive and keep a watch if the person really feels bad for what he did with you, just by a person actions we come to know if he is really feeling guilty or is sorry for his deeds. So I see readers nodding their heads and saying  ‘Yes’, we know what is this Blogger Woman talking something new to Us. But How many of us still get into the trap of ‘SORRY?'. Count on your fingers, the number is huge.

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