Sunday, October 21, 2018

Detach – Ment A Bliss

I have been away for last couple of weeks and have been hibernating to refresh my mind. It is not called as seclusion but a temporary phase to hibernate to give peace of mind. The freed to unburden your thoughts and to wire it with life is important sometimes. But how ? It’s very simple, loads of information keeps us so much occupy which worries us so much that we get entangled and wired in our own enigma. Clean yourselves from your jumbled thoughts. You clean your house almost everyday but have we ever clean our thoughts? Free yourselves my Readers. Dettach yourselves from life for sometime to reboot your own system.

Sometimes I am surrounded by people socially, but all of a sudden I am quiet. Why? I go deaf for few minutes.I just nod my head but I don’t know what my friend sitting beside me is saying. Just nodding, all is yes. Even if he says, “Tina, you jump into the pool”. Still , I am nodding my head, “Yes”.  I am not thinking anything, my mind goes blank. I feel in crowd I have peace of mind. Suddenly I realise I am not enjoying the crowd.  Does that happen with you? Even though we human are social animal still we want ‘Alone Time’ to reboot our system. My brain wave stops responding to my senses. It means I am detaching myself from the present situation. Momentary detachment it is which is just like cough and cold, if you don’t take care , further it will become permanent, so detach for sometime. It is impossible for a human to be alert all the time, we are not robots that we always follow our brain command ,  we make decision sometime using the optimum utilization of brain or sometimes from our heart, sometime both.

It was a dangerous situation,I remember,15 years back, when I woke up from my bed at 2 am ,opened the door, and had a good night walk in the garden and came back to my bed. My flatmate was studying for her exams till 3 am, she saw me walking in the garden, she screamed my name couple of times, I unheard, with no reaction on my face, just took a stroll and was back to my bed, completely ignored my friend and her words who stood in front of me asking me, “Why I was taking a stroll in cold winds in the garden?”. I just unheard her. The next morning, my friend asked me what happened last night. I was clueless what she was saying and my eyebrows raised up and to my surprise I asked her , “Did I?” My face expression was my mouth big wide opened, disbelieve what she is saying. It seems I won some outstanding award with disbelieve and surprises. “WHAT?”, “ME?”, “NO”. For a fraction of second, my friend thought I have been spelled and next 2 days she kept an eye on me. After three days of the event, I said to my friend, “I am alright and can you please stop sneaking at night. You should have now a good sleep but thanks to keep a watch on me”. We both laughed.

I realised I was overloaded with my thoughts so much worrying about things in life, subconsciously I wanted to freed my mind but I was unable to do consciously, so my mind wired it subconsciously. To relax myself I took a stroll in the garden. After that day,  I do everything consciously. I learnt the art of relaxing my mind , detaching whenever my mind wants, and release thoughts and say to myself, ‘Tomorrow is a new day’.

Worrying too much about your own responsibility will not fetch for a long run. Adverse will be you will loose yourself in life. Do we compete with others? My answer to this will be a BIG ‘NO’. We always compete with ourselves which we don’t realise and in due course of time we are diluted and loose our focus as what we want to do.

Like how you maintain nutrients in your body, likewise, we all should give proper nourishment to our mind and heart. It’s called as health check for your mind and heart. Clean it today. Did you? Try it.

Now my Readers, have a cup of beverages and stop thinking too much.....

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