Thursday, April 30, 2020

Bhagavad Geeta – Truth capturing daily lives

The heading itself is self-explanatory that I am not a self-proclaimed preacher but a common person like you who has many questions in my heart and I reckon, I found the answers in this book. Still, I am trying to know more and more. It’s not a Magic Book or not a Recipe that in two hours or in a minute you will be a changed person. It’s a practice all the time, again and again, the more you do, the more it gets imbibe in your body system and reaches to your subconscious level. I will not here to impart spiritual knowledge but to tell you facts of life.

It has been a while that I have been away for so long and I am back again with very interesting facts of life by Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Geeta. In Hindu Religion, Bhagavad Geeta has been written 700 verse Hindu scriptures are the epic of Mahabharata.

It was about the ethical and moral struggles in human life which has been well narrated by Lord Krishna who explained to Warrior Arjuna.

Debarring which religion, we belong to, let us learn what is truth and how we should act on it. It is very evident in today’s century which is called as ‘Kalyug’ – Age of Downfall. I am not being pessimistic; downfall sounds a bit of excruciating, but it will be soon a part of my blog explaining about the era.

So let’s get back to fact, but before that, I would tell my readers that I have been reading a lot on mythologies these days and it is interesting to know it’s very relevant in today’s world.

I Teaching:  Practice brings Victory and Don’t get scared of pain
 It is important to invest your time to make yourself prepared before the war, so get prepared for the war and try to face the challenges, even with pain you can have victory
It means to keep on practicing as much as you can before the war. That will conquer all your struggle to achieve your goals. Practice brings victory.

Lord Krishna described that before War you need to practice a lot, the more you practice less blood will be shed out and you will win. Difference between a sharp sword and an arrow is that sharp sword has to go through a lot of struggles as Bladesmith hammers several times on the blunt sword to give it shape, structure and works on its sharp edge. The more it takes pain, the stronger it becomes and sharper it becomes ready to slit and cut any objects. So don’t get worried about the pain in life, practice it to overcome and this practice will make you a victorious person.

II Teaching:  Problems are dependent on your thoughts.
On a darker day, dark clouds, thundering, lighting and in heavy rainfall all the living beings try to save their lives rushing to their habitat. But there is one creature, who is fearless Falcon, who defeats all these problems by facing it. Falcons are very strong, sharp eyesight with long powerful wingspan and can change direction anytime. From above skies, it sees its prey and swoops to get it.

Lord Krishna describes that be like a Falcon in life who is ready to face al the troubles in life and see the big picture of the problem. It’ not about Victory or Defeat but problems and thoughts. If you keep your thoughts small, then problems will be big but if you keep your thoughts big then the problem will be small.

III Teaching:  Victory in life is to have a controlled peaceful mind
Victory is for one person wherever they have fight, arguments and quarrel, both are brave, strong and knowledgeable. Who wins in life?

Lord Krishna describes that there are two types of Iron that Blacksmith uses, one is hot another one is cold. Both are strong irons which cut each other, a cold iron on constant hammering gives shape and cuts hot iron. Hot iron resembles anger, jealous, vengeance and greediness and cold iron resembles a peaceful controlled mind,  This is how if you want victory in life, have a controlled peaceful mind which is so powerful than jealous, anger, vengeance and greediness mind.
Peace of mind is the real victory of life.

Think of our lives where we struggle with all these every day in our jobs and at home, with colleagues, with friends, relatives, parents and children. There are more to share with you all in my next write up. I hope you are not only enjoying reading but also will try to practice.
If you like, can share your comments.


  1. Nice read Tina, And those learnings from the war we can implement in our modern softer day to day lives :)

  2. Nicely encapsulated your thoughts
