Friday, August 31, 2018

Sex Power Ruling over Friendship

Let me take weight off my head and express myself what’s there in my mind. Well, it’s very interesting to know that when you are into relationship, ‘SENSITIVE NEW GUY’ and ‘BEAUTIFUL CARING LADY’, Everyone wants to eat ‘ADAM & EVE apple’.

How about left alone ‘FRIENDSHIP’,we don’t care about our friend’s anymore when we are into budding relationship. Moreover, we niche our circle of friends, acquaintances.  Our friend’s circle goes to just two of us. Think about your childhood days when your mom gifted you the first toy and you were so thrilled and excited to get it explore the new stuff. Well, I am not talking about friends with benefits. It's about friends in your circle are no more friends ,they are into relationship. Let me be specific now.

Well, we all do in relationship, when we are into relationship, we forget about our friends, as we are thrilled and excited and always try to spend as much time together to know each other, enjoy company, exploring bodies, broad strokes, suck and sips, sense of arousal, hint of lust, flavor of fresh with strong tongue and slender fingers, rubbing  and makes feel inside soft and beautiful on the surface, clothes resting on the floor, for the two glistening and wanting bodies draped in satin sheets in between entangled arched body of each other, threw each other into ecstasy, screaming and soaked ,strength of blow and high blood streams flowing inside the body, warm and warm ,high on fluids, hot and burning ,glowing like an ember, brings smile together.

Subtle and cerebral. Readers ‘ Drink some water’, I am sure you are feeling thirsty. By now your whole body must have tantalise and imagination must have crossed beyond all limits. Must have fantasize now having only ‘SEX’ in your mind , just satisfying your inner deep desires which is making you crazy to stay stable.

Well, now you feel how powerful sex is as it blows your mind for a fraction of second. ’BOOM’, explodes your mind. It’s true, nature has made our body components as such that we can’t ignore this vital part of our body. However, it is not need like food .Depends whether we make it need in our need bucket list.

Experience for experienced people who has come across friends are no more a friend just because he is into relationship, time changes, people change, new stage of life, new person added- WAIT –one person has so much power to change. That’s amazing. Do you know what it is called as ‘SEX POWER’. Unbelievable! Friends who are dearest, love to see each other, spending time with each other, activities like skiing, surfing, playing squash, playing poker, going out for parties, getting sloshed, laughing together and the list goes infinite.

Suddenly, all these ‘VANISH’. I got a call in the morning at 6 am from my friend Frank, “Hi there, I think I like her, you remember, last night we went to the pub”. I hung up the phone, and squeezing the pillow hard on my head, glanced at the table clock “Dumb, another friend out of my life”. I have not been in touch with so many friends just because they are into relationship. Well, some couples are in touch because they understand social circles as a part of life, well, just because, after being into relationship, couples thrust to find something adventurous and exciting meet people. Enjoy in a group. But in the beginning of relationship, I can vouch like the health insurance auto debit payment from my bank account that in relationship couples outmode everyone around. Facebook ,whatsapp- Social media, status changes, and upload happy pictures of ‘TOGETHERNESS’. Moreover, just like 'DO NOT DISTURB US' .My friend screaming into my ears and saying to me,"I am just enjoying the flavor of life and it's declared".

O Poor ‘Friendship’, old and obsoleted. ‘FRIENDSHIP’ becomes so frail in front of ‘SEX POWER’. Isn’t that true? 

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Wednesday, August 29, 2018


How many times have you thought not to change certain things in life and it does change. It’s beyond our imaginations as what brings in surprise for you in your life. But nomad mind like me who always think that this is the end of my change in my life of my career and personal, trust me, it’s the opposite. I too want to settle in life, but life brings every time an unknown package for me.  I think it’s a journey that we make in life, meeting & separating, liking & disliking them, greeting & fighting with them. And some people are so close; suddenly vanish for no reason, feels like you are a terrorist. So, many mysteries in life, few known, few are still to reveal. I thought I figured it out what I want in life. But, I laugh at myself, as there is no end to this. It’s very tricky.  But I feel some people are born ‘Happy – Go- Lucky’.  Achieving life long ambitions, meeting right partner, fulfilling dreams, it’s uncanny ability to be at the right place and at the right time. Well meeting right partner is very vital, well, my readers, I will pen down separately.
Anyways, people who love to take challenges in life, their life is a long journey for them. For constant change, a lot of self motivation in life is required. I can bet on this, as I have been facing challenges for last 10 years. 10 Jobs changed in 10 years, 15 bosses in 10 years, migrated to city to city , country to another country, seems to me ,it’s just the beginning. Yes, I got the statistics handy of my profile of my life. Do you? Don’t you worry my readers, I have ample to share with you all. Very spicy, interesting ,funny, heartbroken and dreamy stories of my life incident to share. I will keep doing that in my forthcoming post.

Well, my readers, some people are born to be bull head, made them to sit on rides, go to adventures, and the strings of life events, few of those, are in destiny’s hand who is playing cards of our life and made us ride on riders to make us feel the fun of life. Trust me, it’s not fun at all. It’s a mild stroke, combined with congestion in chest and choking while breathing. “No, that’s the fun, if we don’t experience, how do we learn?- Destiny states”.  I have learnt and experience in this way.

So, what do I do? I know nothing happens before its time but we are born with horns on our head, never to agree to it and push ourselves so much, that we demotivate ourselves, get into a wrong place and make it more messy. So, I just do my work , I don’t push myself so much, and just sit back and relax and enjoy with lot of patience as someday ‘My Time’ will too come. I remember an unprecedented incident more than a year, back in my country, I was about to migrate to another country and my home Air Conditioner switch caught up fire at night 1am, scorching summer heat temperature 44degree Celsius, sweating all over, I woke up with a sweaty face as if played squash for 2 hours. Black walls and no cool breeze from air conditioner made my mind to hunt for ‘COOL BREEZE’. Mobile –search- hotels and I got one close to my house, distance 1kms, booked online, took a cab, ‘Safety and Security’ and reached at 2am at the hotel. The cab driver, I am sure must have declared me as a ‘Psych Woman’, when I pointed him to the destination (Hotel) sitting in a cab ‘FROM DESTINATION’ –my home, ‘That hotel’. He just looked at me and then the hotel, and started his car engine….

 Zombie, sweaty and absconder,with a bottle of water in my hand, drinking as if I am dehydrated, stood in front of the reception, she smiled and said, ‘How may I help you?’ I answered, “Take me to the room to sleep”.  What you expect my readers, with pajamas and wearing white dog slippers at night 2 am, half eyes closed, scratching my head, next day I have to go for work, I just can’t think anything else than sleep ‘COOL BREEZE’.  She asked for identity, and saw the ID proof picture and looked at me , I seem completely alien to her. She asked me, “Mam, what happened?” I answered, “Long story, in short, take me to the room”. She must have understood my plight and gave the room ‘COOL BREEZE’ key. I just ran to my booked room, so relieved to just jump in the bed as if for the first time in my life I slept in a bed covering my face with the quilt, what a relief. Well, it was just ,I concentrated on what was required , was sleep, so as not to disturb the next day routine , so  I did. I am unarmed to fight with time and situation, but that does not mean I will bull fight to get out of the situation, just I was well equipped to manage present situation and relax for the next forthcoming event, rather sulking to present situation and pushing so hard to fix at that point of time.

Well my life so far has not been ‘Happy – Go Lucky’ , it’s for me ‘Lucky – Go happy’ – If I am lucky in that situation , then go happy.  Such people have to be a ‘GO GETTER’ in life. Well, tell me about it, I myself don’t know what to get.

Everything takes its own time to fix things. I am sure everyone do have lot of stories to share about such unknown incidences.
Life has it’s own stock. Unanticipated events in life gives you a shock. But I must say we are born as ‘SHOCK ABSORBER’. Whenever we say the word,‘Enough’. We stretch ourselves little more for the situation, two observations, some people either walk off and some keep dragging like a court battle. I sometimes wonder, we are so hypocrites, we want change in our lives, but we don’t want to move an inch to accept the change or to move ahead with the change in cordial way. We want eventful life as routine life brings fear to us and we think as how come my life is so smooth and no fun at all. What do we want? Predictable or unpredictable life.  Hypocrites us wants unpredictable life but change will be as per our terms and conditions apply**.

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Thursday, August 23, 2018

Prospect Networking Bridegroom/Groom Vs Talent

For my readers not to miss any share of my thoughts so I always carry my laptop with me, sitting under the shed of a tree in a parking lot (I’m not looking for enlightenment), a very sunny day, a packet of calories intake of Doritos, crackling sound in my mouth on every bite, a flavour of tangy, sweet and chilli, sitting close to laundromart shop, watching spinning of my clothes from outside. Indeed, I am utilising my talent efficiently, ‘Our thoughts to express’. But how about networking?  

Anyways, let’s not break my thought process. My thoughts are spinning, rinsing like my clothes in the washing machine and a question arises, ‘Is networking more important than Talent or Talent can beat networking?’  I have met lot of people who lost their jobs and through networking has got jobs again. Marvellous! I have met other set of people who are Talent Pool and still struggling to make contacts in the field of job they are in. And some of those, they don’t possess the necessary skills but monetarily prestigious paid.

CV ask for skills for applying a job, then to get through the job these days, Is Networking Important?  Some say, ‘Yes’, some people say, ‘No’. Many people agree that networking is important to excel in your career and getting more business in later stage of your career. Networking in a way is important to know about the latest trend in the market, meeting new set of people in different positions, getting an update on the present scenario of the market and competitors. How people will verify and anticipate you as ‘Lord of Connection’. Through facebook, linkedin, that’s an ‘Evidence Check’. But is it authentic? When I just arrived in this country, I met a person who keep meeting and adding them on facebook and linkedin profile just to increase his traffic in social media platform, he will never ever meet that person again but should be added to increase his number. I can vouch, there are people who genuinely have met people and is good in networking. But how to believe  ‘Genuineness’.  So what do we do, Is it called as networking? How about talent?

It feels like you are in a product launch exhibition, the best well designed, beautifully displayed, well spoken, attracts the buyers out of given choice of products, and buyers have to pay best price for the product, you are showcasing your talent how to ‘woo’ the prospect buyers so that they are convinced ‘The best candidate selected’ and hire you for well paid jobs. Many jobs are available in few meets. Or just on drinks, profiles are created for them, How about talent; talent can’t be measured in few drinks or informal meet? Well, I have heard from few years experienced communications professionals in an event; they opined ‘Just be yourself’. I gave a thought, if I be myself then I would directly ask for my prospects ‘I want a job’ and outright I will be rejected by the recruiter or Prospect Networking Bridegroom. Excuse me, what I said. ‘Prospect Networking Bridegroom’ , yes my readers, what we do is we channelize, select and focus on our potential networking people from our own field of work. Isn’t it we are finding a Bridegroom or Bride to get into new relationship? Relationship to work together for the growth and contribution towards the company.  (I sound like Universal Corporate Slogan).So next time my readers, you remember you are searching for ‘Prospect Networking Bridegroom/ Bride’.

There is no Law that under such Act it will cover which is prime for you. No rules can be implicated or authenticate when it comes which one is important. So which aspects to develop depends on you my readers.  Make the choice.

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Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Relationship Is Gambling

I am so sorry my readers for my vanishing act of two days. Now, I am back again and with a very interesting package of thoughts. I am sure everyone in life has been into relationship; the count of how many times into relationship varies individually. To fall into relationship is very easy, you meet – a Date, and like each other (because both of them are at best of their boots), then starts gambling. Well, readers, gambling here I am not considering the financial terms like investment and returns. Man and a woman meet each other, both are so impressive at first meet, well not knowing dark secrets of each other, unaware of their behavior patterns, hurted in past, betrayed or possibility of different stories in life, still wanting to take the risk to be with each other after a meet, or may be few meets. They find a twinkle in each other’s eye, unending fascination, a tender touch of holding hands, a gentle smile on face, a voice of emotions and all your sensory organs, releasing chemicals in the brain and giving you signals to make you feel so euphoria. Suddenly what happened?  

The gloomy world after the date seems to be so exciting; life becomes so beautiful and meaningful? Oh, I am in relationship ‘Facebook Status’, talk to friends about relationship status, will be part of their conversation (NO more Single status), now you will be the part of the family day out. Your social circle transforms.

So, socially how women behave socially when she is into budding relationship. Women talking about how they met their partners and good qualities of their partners, husbands or boyfriends . We met first at the best Mexican, or Italian food place in the town.  In this universe I bet all women will have same opinion ‘The best man ever they have chosen in their lives.’ Don’t go too far , just take baby steps with me readers to think. Slow Down! This is budding relationship. About men, man to man talk in a barbeque party, talking about their woman as if they have conquered the world, so much of pride they take, how difficult it was to win her heart, and the best is what he found in her is understanding, caring and loving. In few meets and dates.. I am not sure ‘Readers’.  Well I am so touched readers, wow it sounds so perfect.  But his friends gave a wink, and asked him a question, “Ayee, are you sure bud, you didn’t check the measurement?” May be on first date his testosterones level was skyrocketing. Everyone (Chuckles).  Men don’t waste their time in talking; they believe more in action so they are ready to take risk as how far it goes. Men are spontaneous.

Time to gamble. Let’s give a chance in relationship. Like a Lotto, you invest and either you win or loose. Relationship also goes through stages, either it clicks or breaks. A real emotional investment, giving time to each other, trying to create moments, investing energy and effort of knowing each other, real check of each other patience and tolerance, basically our elasticity check, the most flexible elastic human we are, keep stretching. We try to relate and make a bond with each other. There are lot of aspects, phases of relationship which I don’t want to converse about it, it is a vast subject.

Our trained clever mind has taught us about ‘Love & Relationship’ which we have learnt from our surroundings, that we have to work on our relationship to keep peace and harmony (Sounds like writing for a blog on Treaty of Peace,anyways), two people of different upbringing, different culture, thoughts, likes and dislikes. It seems  as if task assigned to two people to accomplish a goal in life (short term goal or long term goal of peace and harmony and the outcome will be to be together). That depends on adjustment and sacrifice. That’s how we get into making it complicated, sometimes, intruding space (Did the space existed when making love?) ,nagging, bossy, take a break from each other, yes, to know better, it’s an ‘Emotional Check’.  Trust me, all of our hidden devilish qualities unveil and we experiment in our relationship.  So much Fun, Drama and Action. Ahh, the spice of life. So spicy people we are. 

Why it is not so simple?  You know ‘Why?’

We human don’t have the inherent character of being alone, especially men, we are highly evolved races of human who need to fulfill emotional needs and basic necessity of desires. We need to relate ourselves and the sense of belongingness. We can’t challenge nature how they have made us, so we love to fall into gambling everytime as we see a ray of hope 'Someday I will meet unconditional love'. 

Unconditional Love,ops,thousands thorns of rose plant pricking me like a needle , well soon I will pen down for my readers.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

SOLO Nomadic Life

‘I always wish to have a SOLO Nomadic Life’, desire of everyone. I just want to free myself from every bond, children, baby sitting husband, nagging wife, casual relationship and on the other side would be huge bills, crashing share price, household works. Think our world of responsibilities and bonds are unlimited, just like extended family. Every stage of our life adding up, more we think, now I am done, keeps on adding. Well, we say ‘I AM DONE NOW’, screaming, washing utensils faster than normal speed, folding the folded clothes, banging the cupboard doors, brushing teeth hard ,the sound of the brush bristles seems to be scrubbing the toilet with toilet brush, that’s how women behave and she will be mumbling all about her life, what a waste of her life. She will run a marathon in front of the TV with her heavy footsteps trying to gain attention of her husband /partner and giving him signal that,Yes, she is Done.

 And men, ‘Life Sucks’ and to divert their mind, will switch on TV, with loud sound watching sports, or just walk off and play sports ,hitting that tennis ball or squash ball competitively, visit a friend and have few drinks and some of them, will have a grumpy face sitting quietly for hours and hours, and, it feels to you that he will be soon a Monk forever.. But are we done? Momentarily we are DONE.

What do we do? I say’ Just fly ‘Naked’. What, are you out of your mind? Readers must have thought, ‘Ms Blogger, were you drunk last night and thrown out of the bar and if not we are sure that you must have kissed your friend’s dog.’ My dear readers, nothing of that sort happened but think for a while.  

Naked I meant free from everything. Have you ever contemplated that garments industry spend billions of money to make the best garments for people, still we free spirit people love to wear revealing clothes, the more cuts, feels better for us. Nature doesn’t allow us to wear and it reminds us , we are born like that. Our body is anti to clothes, we wear those gorgie, jazzy, tight ,skimpy clothes for few hours just to be socially fashionable. Our body and mind is attuned such that we are free spirit souls. Well, truth is we all are born naked, then how we can be bonded in a closed box of thoughts, nailed down by responsibilities which refrain us to have a non nomadic life. . But Nomadic Life is a dream for everyone, Well, for those solo nomadic life is not applicable who are glued child, they love to be glued in life, with people, pets, house, car, bank cheques. They are called as ‘Glued people’.

In order to have a Nomadic life, so we try to take some baby steps to just go for vacations with friends, families, or to some family day out, any activities on weekends, but SOLO Nomadic Life seems to be impossible. Very few people DARE to have SOLO Nomadic Life. Even if someone wants to have a SOLO Nomadic week, well, I am sure, a call will chase him or her, ‘Sweets don’t feel lonely, we are there for you, you just enjoy your solo nomadic week and just get back home, we are waiting for you honey'.

Sometimes, we feel one snap of our finger, and everything vanishes at one blink. Wish we had that snapping finger power within us to do.  Can we ever experience ‘SOLO Nomadic Life?’

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Friday, August 17, 2018

Sexual Active Check

My friend asked me, “Is that being single is killing the sexual drive?  It feels like my libido has dropped.” Well, it’s not about only singles, partners are also experiencing sex unejoyable. Need a Sexual Active Check. Well lot of readers will disagree with me ,’Sex an unenjoyable’. Well, I do agree with you all, sex can be mediocre and for some pleasurable. 

Sex can be pleasurable only if both of partners fantasies meet each other, that doesn’t happen so often in a couple. Fantasies takes both of them to higher level of sexual chemistry. My friend shared with me her horrible night when she was sexually active but after meeting her partner, she couldn’t be intimate on that day, even though everything was alright. She sighs and said to me, “Some days are not meant to be sexually active. But do I need a sexual active check?”. There it goes. It is not about someone being single needs sexual active check, even people who are in relationship needs too. Couple of times, we feel we are not part of society of not being sexually active. Have you ever thought about someone asking you with his raised eyebrows’, “Ops how long you have not been sexually active?”. Your answer, “Ahmmm ,may be a year”. Someone, with a sad expression “That’s a very long time. How did you manage to control?”. It seems that you are socially detached, abandoned by men, deserves pity and not accepted in the society for not being sexually active. Well, out of practice.Then you ask yourself 'Am I a lesbian?', so many questions in your mind. Well, definitely not, but why I am not sexually active. It's just that..ahmmm..ahmmm , I dont have the answer to it. 

It is just like we are so concern about our health, mind and body, we are equally concern about we not being sexually active, which is unsaid. It has now become a 'buzz' these days.

If I talk about men, for most men, physical intimacy is necessity as it is the provocation of their reproductive organ which directs their mind psychology towards sexuality. We are aware of it but never speak about it that tantalized by the fantasy world, men sometimes experience without their partner of being single happy ending. Ever they try to control someone, is the ‘Little’ creation of nature. Well, for women it sounds ‘Ridiculous’ as how can a man has such fantasy even though in relationship.

Well for women, to be sexually active, we need to fall in love with someone, BUT hold on, women have their deep desire to experience waves of pleasure in intimacy. ‘Oh my God, Oh my God’, she screams and moans and in the middle of intimacy, her mind sets to momentary ‘ FLASHBACK’, my previous boyfriend was better in this position. It’s not awkward, women feels how much intense she is sexually active. Well it’s unknowingly.  My friend discovers a new style of Sexual Active Check, standalone in the shower, when water flows over me, my butt against the wall, water running down my bosom, the wicked sweet flames thrills and tighten my body and it says ‘I am Sexually Active’.

Exploring every zones of your body is your body craving for it. Every human wants to fulfil their deep desire and try to work on their fantasies to have a check if I am ‘Sexually Active’.

Electric Connection Missing

After few drinks with your friends or sitting on a couch enjoying a movie, lying in a hammock, sometimes our nerve wires give us a sensational feeling of missing a person. Even though you are in a crowd in a party, with friends, family, still holding a drink in your hand, all of a sudden everything becomes so still for you, your eyes stop blinking, you mumbling to yourself, our friend sitting next to us seems to be a chatty, compulsory  irritating talker whose words doesn’t reach to ours ears. Our good mate is no more a good mate.

‘Why this is happening to us? Am I a geek?’  Mind speaks, ‘You missing the first electric connection of your life.’ Of course it is unpredictable and complex.

In a chemical sense, your body is going to release specific hormones and chemicals intrinsically when you are with that special someone and when they are gone, your internal circuitry is changed. Biologically, feels like pre-menstruation syndrome, sudden depression, anxiety and mood swings.

What guys think?? Great she left I don’t have to clear my browser history everyday nor I have to go out with her Uncle Ben and Aunt Emma. Everyday can have the toilet seat up ,nor those suspicious eyes of her's staring at my phone ringing and nor her dog will irritate us in the middle of the night.

How about girls?? Fantastic life after he left, no one now to judge relationship according to my social media nor anyone to hide his feelings even he is in relationship. What a relief now? No more mess at home, no inflated male egos anymore.

Despite biological and chemical sense, we try to analyse and still unable to withhold our feelings for the special loved one out of so many of them. Moment of despair for us. Isn’t it? Uncontrollable yet controllable.

But we let that person let go off from our life because we don’t find the relevance anymore to be with that person or maybe there is no possible way of reconciliation. It’s the memories we make in our life with that person when we are at high emotional level.  It feels like a flash in front of our eyes and imprison our mind and suddenly we release those memories ‘Electric Connection Missing’.