Wednesday, August 26, 2020

How many times you have fallen in love?

How many times you have fallen in love ?❤️❤️❤️❤️

Just few sips of coffee early in the morning makes me fall in love. To fall in love, may be, it’s a feeling.

“This is my last time and I will never ever fall in love after a break-up," we always utter those strong words. We are heart broken and alone and rejected or disapproved someone to be with ,it’s a choice we make, but very adamant those moments are. We, after few drinks, always say that was my last love in my life.

Why is the situation so similar to everyone after break-ups, drinking and making promises to ourselves.? Does age matter when we are heart broken? Does it reduce our pain by drinking? Indeed, may be a relief for some time and next day again the same emotions about x until we get ‘True Love’.

The failed relationships are so disastrous that in that moment we admit our last love.  My friend was not so determined when he was into relationship but after break-up ,he was more determined that he will not make any mistakes to fall in love.. Either remembering those moments or just so much in anguish, made him to gulp many drinks. I heard him screaming, “ Over it is with my X-gf , over and over.” How many times he has to mention the word ‘Over’.  

 My other friend after his break up ,he was underground, was so submissive to express his feelings, said, “Forget it friend, whatever happened, happened for a reason, falling in love was a mistake. Forget it, just forget it. “ But , did I say something  to my friend, I can hear him saying, " Forget It." My mouth was zipped. He said again, “ Let’s not talk about my X, yes now ,she is X.”

Just after he said those promising statements, I saw his girlfriend crossing the street and passed by him. Again, my friend said, “ Yes, I think I was wrong may be I did not understand her well. Can we reconcile?  Do you think my friend, it will work.”  I was still trying hard to zip my lips, sensible thought. Now , my friend had to speak after being unnoticed by his X girlfriend ” I made correct decision, I know I will never ever fall in love.”

Never mind, just wait, there is a twist, big twist, what I heard from him a big oath, after few more drinks. He raised his glass with confidence in his eyes, and said, “ Why would I not think ahead in life, life has to move on, but still I will never fall in love.”    

After a month, we had a good catch up, what I see was not a surprise for me, my friend was with his ‘True Love’ , we three of us sitting around the dinner table, such a beautiful ambience, my friend holds his new girlfriend, kissed on her forehead, again those promising eyes of his said , “ You are the one I was looking for and forever  I love you. I don’t know how it happened, hard to explain but happened. ”  Raised toast for them as a well-wisher on the occasion of true love.

I was speechless and my eyes felt that it has expanded circular way , wide and big , I said ,‘God bless you both in true love and forever”.

No worries, some people take few years, some few days, some few months, but search never ends for true love.  

Some men are very introvert to express their feelings, they will not use pillow to cry , that is not what they were taught in teenage.  From inside, inner voice speaks to be a Man. So, they prefer to be alone sometimes or with few drinks to vent out those feelings. It’s unbelievable that men are not hurt ever. They are equally hurt like women do but some expresses and some does not.

Does it mean that intense guys don’t fall in love? Who said ? There is a process they follow until they find ‘True Love’. Their decisions are very strategic and after few drinks and after break-up , no strategy works. After few drinks or choose to have some activities which relaxes them and make them feel I am on right track in life, will also decide not to fall in love. But, in gentle way ,few men after few drinks ,they go more intense, holding the glass tight, loose  or just talking to the glass,  “ Is that how it ended? “Loved you more than me, but destiny, let me move on. It's hard without you but I know I will never fall in love.” After few years, settled in life with family and falling in love with ideal wife and good kids. “ I just want to fall in love after my break-up because I was very shattered, busy working on myself and my career and one day suddenly I met my wife, my life changed, I have fallen in love again. It was heaven.” Mark those words, fallen in love again.

Men sitting in group will always say Love can happen many times but when it comes to prospective girlfriend, insist, Love can happen only once. J It’s a destiny thing. There are many like him or her. They admit that they are still on this journey of frequent romantic infatuation. Did I say the words ‘Romantic Infatuation’? Crush, romantic infatuations, love at first sight, I mean, hard to define. Quote by my friend, “To have a crush is just like chewing a bread everyday.”  There’s no standard formula to fall in love many times, everyone agrees. While some believe in falling in love at first sight, there are others who believe in the trial-and-error method of finding true love and some believe Eternal love, some try to find soul-mate.

On social condition, love happens for once.  We like each other’s company in relationship just because we make adjustments and compromises on our wishes in both ways just because we are in love. But, will it always remain the same, beneath somewhere we feel is that love or am I doing it just to maintain peace and harmony in relationship? Our psychological search is to fall in love many times with same person or many times with other person.  

Trust me very hard to explain how many times we fall in love, it’s endless. It’s a mixed emotions and feelings that gushes out from your heart and never forgotten and some mixed feelings are sexual turns out to beautiful twist to fall in love. Love is love whether it is physical or has got emotional feelings.

History is evident that kings had many  wives. Falling head-over-heals in love just twice, thrice or may be many times. Additionally, being in a relationship does not stop anyone to fall for someone else for ‘true love’ apparently the search is endless and continue to look for real thing. May be everyone after reading this paragraph with sign will say 'Phew', but somewhere bottom of your heart will feel the same,as I said, “We human never stop finding the true love.”


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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Bhagavad Geeta – Truth capturing daily lives

The heading itself is self-explanatory that I am not a self-proclaimed preacher but a common person like you who has many questions in my heart and I reckon, I found the answers in this book. Still, I am trying to know more and more. It’s not a Magic Book or not a Recipe that in two hours or in a minute you will be a changed person. It’s a practice all the time, again and again, the more you do, the more it gets imbibe in your body system and reaches to your subconscious level. I will not here to impart spiritual knowledge but to tell you facts of life.

It has been a while that I have been away for so long and I am back again with very interesting facts of life by Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Geeta. In Hindu Religion, Bhagavad Geeta has been written 700 verse Hindu scriptures are the epic of Mahabharata.

It was about the ethical and moral struggles in human life which has been well narrated by Lord Krishna who explained to Warrior Arjuna.

Debarring which religion, we belong to, let us learn what is truth and how we should act on it. It is very evident in today’s century which is called as ‘Kalyug’ – Age of Downfall. I am not being pessimistic; downfall sounds a bit of excruciating, but it will be soon a part of my blog explaining about the era.

So let’s get back to fact, but before that, I would tell my readers that I have been reading a lot on mythologies these days and it is interesting to know it’s very relevant in today’s world.

I Teaching:  Practice brings Victory and Don’t get scared of pain
 It is important to invest your time to make yourself prepared before the war, so get prepared for the war and try to face the challenges, even with pain you can have victory
It means to keep on practicing as much as you can before the war. That will conquer all your struggle to achieve your goals. Practice brings victory.

Lord Krishna described that before War you need to practice a lot, the more you practice less blood will be shed out and you will win. Difference between a sharp sword and an arrow is that sharp sword has to go through a lot of struggles as Bladesmith hammers several times on the blunt sword to give it shape, structure and works on its sharp edge. The more it takes pain, the stronger it becomes and sharper it becomes ready to slit and cut any objects. So don’t get worried about the pain in life, practice it to overcome and this practice will make you a victorious person.

II Teaching:  Problems are dependent on your thoughts.
On a darker day, dark clouds, thundering, lighting and in heavy rainfall all the living beings try to save their lives rushing to their habitat. But there is one creature, who is fearless Falcon, who defeats all these problems by facing it. Falcons are very strong, sharp eyesight with long powerful wingspan and can change direction anytime. From above skies, it sees its prey and swoops to get it.

Lord Krishna describes that be like a Falcon in life who is ready to face al the troubles in life and see the big picture of the problem. It’ not about Victory or Defeat but problems and thoughts. If you keep your thoughts small, then problems will be big but if you keep your thoughts big then the problem will be small.

III Teaching:  Victory in life is to have a controlled peaceful mind
Victory is for one person wherever they have fight, arguments and quarrel, both are brave, strong and knowledgeable. Who wins in life?

Lord Krishna describes that there are two types of Iron that Blacksmith uses, one is hot another one is cold. Both are strong irons which cut each other, a cold iron on constant hammering gives shape and cuts hot iron. Hot iron resembles anger, jealous, vengeance and greediness and cold iron resembles a peaceful controlled mind,  This is how if you want victory in life, have a controlled peaceful mind which is so powerful than jealous, anger, vengeance and greediness mind.
Peace of mind is the real victory of life.

Think of our lives where we struggle with all these every day in our jobs and at home, with colleagues, with friends, relatives, parents and children. There are more to share with you all in my next write up. I hope you are not only enjoying reading but also will try to practice.
If you like, can share your comments.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

SPIRITUALITY – Have you chosen me or I made a choice?

My readers, the path of spirituality is not chosen by me but my curiosity and situations in my life made me compelled in the beginning. I had no choice when I was in the midst of collecting shattered pieces of my life, I blindly followed the rituals. I have been spiritual from my childhood days of offering garlands and necessary eatery sweet products to the idols. If I do wisely, my wish will come true. Does this help? 

I made an attempt to make my wish come true when I was 11 years old; I was weak in one of the subjects so, in one of the prayer’s day, I was the first to wake up in the early morning to keep one of the books at the feet of God’s idol. And prayed hard, closing my eyes and said, “O God, I woke up at dawn time and my words in dawn time are from my bottom of my heart, please, I am not asking more from you, I just need 90 % marks in that subject. You are a magician, do something.” I smiled as I knew I prayed which is my karma, my job and I did and I will pass. But, it didn’t work, my one wish was rejected, I just passed. A very interesting kid I was in my childhood days. While playing basketball in school at the age of 15, I broke the window glass of Principal’s room. In fear, I ran away and prayed to God the same day at night that I should not be caught. I believed in God. But unfortunately I was caught and I presumed to be Vice-captain of the student council I will escape from suspension. But, I was suspended.

I was very perplexed and astound as what’s wrong with God. Is he not happy with my prayers? I believe in God but God does not believe in me. Holy Lord!  Readers, it does not work ever..20 years back I was naive about spiritual life. Whatever instructions or rules were told to me, I meticulously followed until the age of 24. Lots of people are unaware as for why they follow or do some acts to make God happy so that their wish should come true.  Ask a husband, he has an answer because my wife follows or it’s a tradition of our family or some people opined it as God does not exist, some are still in search, some people follow in fear what if God will be unhappy. 

Have we ever understood the concept behind why we worship or pray? There is a reason behind for every action we do.

I am not stating anything to abandon my reader's thoughts on their belief on God because it is an individual to believe in whatever form they pray to make God happy or they find happiness, but I believe spirituality is to just ‘BELIEVE IN YOU’. Do you believe in yourself?

Apparently, I have experienced spirituality and I follow and enjoy till date. I am not here to write loads of exuberant words on spirituality. That’s not I have learnt in spiritualism.

Ultimate happiness and contentment are what makes you feel you are in the zone of spirituality.  I feel I am very lucky to have troubles in my life at a young age as it transformed me into a different person altogether at the age of 24. It’s not the time to judge my words, mark my words ‘Lucky had troubles in my life’. Eventually, my readers will have clarity of what ‘Spirituality’ means in their life and will be able to articulate my thoughts. The outlook towards life changed completely unknowingly but a known effort was immensely made to reconstruct new thoughts.

The inherent hidden qualities in me which I never discovered had let me naive all these years till the age of 24 that I am very bold, determined and a risk taker person in life. I was very surprised to know, ‘A NEW ME’. In this journey of spiritualism, I achieved immense patience and tolerant, learnt to live by myself, enjoy my own company.  It is not necessary if a person lives alone cannot be a social person. 

Try to open your third eye of perspective towards life and things around which gives you a wide vision to look beyond things and to make things happen in your life. Destroy your fears of insecurity to live in life and reconstruct your new world.

In the path of spiritualism, you will always find yourself a ‘NEW YOU’.  

One of my readers was very inquisitive to know the spiritual side of me, but, I fear I will be unable to pen down my thoughts in one blog...  Very soon I will write in my next blog about every step as for how I have overcome my hurdles with spiritual help. It was not so easy journey, it took me almost 5 years to search as what it is the ultimate happiness and how to achieve it. It took me 5 years of search and to imbibe in me. Our conventional nature, behaviour and culture does not allow us to change. But, believe me, change for good is always the best. 

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Detach – Ment A Bliss

I have been away for last couple of weeks and have been hibernating to refresh my mind. It is not called as seclusion but a temporary phase to hibernate to give peace of mind. The freed to unburden your thoughts and to wire it with life is important sometimes. But how ? It’s very simple, loads of information keeps us so much occupy which worries us so much that we get entangled and wired in our own enigma. Clean yourselves from your jumbled thoughts. You clean your house almost everyday but have we ever clean our thoughts? Free yourselves my Readers. Dettach yourselves from life for sometime to reboot your own system.

Sometimes I am surrounded by people socially, but all of a sudden I am quiet. Why? I go deaf for few minutes.I just nod my head but I don’t know what my friend sitting beside me is saying. Just nodding, all is yes. Even if he says, “Tina, you jump into the pool”. Still , I am nodding my head, “Yes”.  I am not thinking anything, my mind goes blank. I feel in crowd I have peace of mind. Suddenly I realise I am not enjoying the crowd.  Does that happen with you? Even though we human are social animal still we want ‘Alone Time’ to reboot our system. My brain wave stops responding to my senses. It means I am detaching myself from the present situation. Momentary detachment it is which is just like cough and cold, if you don’t take care , further it will become permanent, so detach for sometime. It is impossible for a human to be alert all the time, we are not robots that we always follow our brain command ,  we make decision sometime using the optimum utilization of brain or sometimes from our heart, sometime both.

It was a dangerous situation,I remember,15 years back, when I woke up from my bed at 2 am ,opened the door, and had a good night walk in the garden and came back to my bed. My flatmate was studying for her exams till 3 am, she saw me walking in the garden, she screamed my name couple of times, I unheard, with no reaction on my face, just took a stroll and was back to my bed, completely ignored my friend and her words who stood in front of me asking me, “Why I was taking a stroll in cold winds in the garden?”. I just unheard her. The next morning, my friend asked me what happened last night. I was clueless what she was saying and my eyebrows raised up and to my surprise I asked her , “Did I?” My face expression was my mouth big wide opened, disbelieve what she is saying. It seems I won some outstanding award with disbelieve and surprises. “WHAT?”, “ME?”, “NO”. For a fraction of second, my friend thought I have been spelled and next 2 days she kept an eye on me. After three days of the event, I said to my friend, “I am alright and can you please stop sneaking at night. You should have now a good sleep but thanks to keep a watch on me”. We both laughed.

I realised I was overloaded with my thoughts so much worrying about things in life, subconsciously I wanted to freed my mind but I was unable to do consciously, so my mind wired it subconsciously. To relax myself I took a stroll in the garden. After that day,  I do everything consciously. I learnt the art of relaxing my mind , detaching whenever my mind wants, and release thoughts and say to myself, ‘Tomorrow is a new day’.

Worrying too much about your own responsibility will not fetch for a long run. Adverse will be you will loose yourself in life. Do we compete with others? My answer to this will be a BIG ‘NO’. We always compete with ourselves which we don’t realise and in due course of time we are diluted and loose our focus as what we want to do.

Like how you maintain nutrients in your body, likewise, we all should give proper nourishment to our mind and heart. It’s called as health check for your mind and heart. Clean it today. Did you? Try it.

Now my Readers, have a cup of beverages and stop thinking too much.....

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Keep Moving!

No matter whatever happens unprecedented, unforgivable, unchangeable realities, the wholesome takeaway would be to ‘Move On & Letting Go’ in life. Usually, it is very difficult for us to do as we say, most of the time, but at some point of time , we have to follow this. ‘Acceptance’ is the right virtue which we possess but we don’t implement in our life.  

I remember the time when I use to hold on small things in life like my first car, first boyfriend, first book and lots more. “I never  let you go”, I said to myself.  But sooner as the days passed by when we are exposed to reality, nothing stays with us. I cuddled my mom when she was in her last breathe and I counted her breathe every time, I will never let you go, but , profound moments, everything flows like a river stream, unable to hold it.  I realized even our soul also does not stay with us, it’s the Truth, reality.  Then why to hate and keep grudge in your heart for someone, let it also flow like a clear ,deep and pure river water.

Then what exist with us, well, one day I went for a walk on beach, lovely morning, bright sunshine, deep blue sky making millions of white waves up in the sky, so majestic. I tried to hold the sand and gave me a delighting sensation of flowing out all over through my fingers. I gently smile and I comprehend from this, everyone life is just like this, what I am trying to hold in life.

I always tell my friends, things which belong to you will stay back in your life. It will be effortless and no matter how much ever you try to get back your girlfriend,boyfriend,friends in your life, if they have to come back to you, they will. Never ever force anyone to stay back with you, just let your spirit free. I heard a lot from couple who had a break up ,what hurted them the most was for him, I invested my time, sacrificed so many things, almost no contacts with friends,  I have given my life for her, only for her. He was badly hurt and shattered. She likes someone and is with him.  Boys have different ways to express themselves with broken heart, they don’t need pillow ,they need bathroom, seclude place, with a bottle of beer ,or with friends, pubs and trying to find her girlfriend's face whomsoever he meets. I told my mate, hey whom you are trying to find out, just, find yourself first, welcome back to status ‘Single’, raised the toast. A non agreeable smile on his face. I explained how many days you will sob for her, 10 days, 20 days ,a month , few more months, what you gain will be zero. So, better to cope up and move on and just accept what it is today and to believe tomorrow will be the best time to come. Choice is your Bud, emotional scratch can be healed in due course of time, but time which you will loose ahead will never come back.  Few days passed by, I saw him unhappy. I had to be harsh on my buddy, we went for a drive and had a harsh drive, he screamed for his life, I parked my car aside and explained ,"Bud you love your life more than anything else so why not to live. Were you thinking about your girlfriend when I was on harsh drive with you?" His hand was on his chest ,trying to breathe normal, said, "Are you crazy? Why would I do that? I love my life. I would have died, you crazy woman.” I said to him, "So you have your answer so why you are wasting your time". He smiled and sigh of relief on his face, said, “Thanks mate”. Men always need an action to be explained and women believe on words.

Well, some of the men are emotionally attached to their loved ones, takes time to let it go, but at the end they have to let it go, no matter whatever the circumstances be, how much they are attached to their loved one, have to move on…..

She was heartbroken,my friend, and separated from her partner, said to me, “I never ever thought we will be separated, we were so much into each other, but it has ended up”. She was not in her best mood ,of course, so her selected few words were beeping ..beep ...few sentences.... then beep in my ears. Pockerfaced I just heard her.  She was gloom in her thoughts and not wanting to move on in her life. As if , roof of her house has fallen on her head, food on the planet has perished, and water in this universe is forming tears in her eyes. Patting her back, cry as much as you can, being kind and considerate, got a  bowl from the kitchen to collect all tear drops and not to spoil the pillow by squeezing into.  Please include this scenario for all kinda women.  I too cried for my first boyfriend as he got into another relationship with another woman.  I cried like a baby but after few minutes I started laughing as what am I doing, so kiddish and looked at myself at the mirror. I said to myself, Lets not judge, whatever has happened erase and move on in life, I go for what I like to do in life. ’His loss I am the best’. He tried to convince me by denying he is not into relationship. I just looked at him and with a smile, I thanked him instead of any vengeance against him, his gifts were flying in the air and gravity pull made to fall on his head from third floor of my apartment, and I showered some flying kiss and thanked him.

And a man cheats on you, can cheat you in future, good for me.  I must admit, in that broken and shattered scenario I have rocking confidence and believe on myself. Should never ever repent in life, even though you do good for others and others are not good with you , let the goodness be saved in your karma list. That’s the best way to overcome. Well, accidentally I met the woman after a year who was into relationship with my x boyfriend, she offered me for a coffee and a little chat. I went happy and always best of me, I heard her long sad days she had with him. In a coffee shop, empathizing her, as I did not have anything to offer her at that moment, heard from her that he left her too.  Well, I said to her,” Move on in life and thanked her saving me”.  Think about men and women aren’t they get married or get into relationship even though they are heartbroken many times, they do of course.  They keep on moving on in life.

Look at the couples who brings new soul, giving birth to new soul, after certain age ,they have to let them go to do well in life, should enjoy the phase being contend in life. Why to hold on things which does not belong to you, Can you control the ‘Blowing Wind’?

We all should learn from kids, they never keep anything in their heart, they just play around, enjoy their own world, always happy, they are the happiest on this mother earth. Why can’t we be?

Pursue what you like, should dare to dream what you want to be, give a good relaxing time to yourself, hang out with besto mates. I did that and it was so good to give you confidence and strength in life. I have met so many people in life who were a part of my life journey, some came to teach me a lesson in life and some are still with me. People who know you will stay with you forever, make an effort and give more importance to them who care about you. I will definitely in my new post ,only,for my readers, will write about ‘IGNORE ME ATTRACTS ME’.

So, my readers,keep moving in life. You never know what life will bring you in, goodies of surprise. Never look back, cherish the memories you had and enjoy the moment now. Do you agree with me? 

Have a good weekend.

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Thursday, September 6, 2018

Thank You My Readers' In 15 days readership crossed more than 100'

Thank you my faithful readers and followers of my Blog ‘WE BUTTERFLY LIFE’.

My fourteenth post is dedicated to you,  I am happy to share with you that it is overwhelming that my blog post are supported by my readers reaching numbers more than 100 readers.
It has been almost a year that I gave a thought to write blog for you. I had no idea on how to create a blog for you. I asked help from a person who promised me to create a blog for me, unfortunately my days were adding up without any consequence. Finally on 15th August, 2018, I was determined to create blog ‘ WE BUTTERFLY LIFE’ for you. So, striving hard to create a blog , finally I managed to create a blog myself. That’s how I always feel, self learning is the best learning as well as if we are determined to do something in life, I strongly believe we can do it.

Thank you for supporting me ‘Small Time Blogger’ , a striving writer who pen down about you. My readers you inspire me to write against all odds and time constraint . Every morning, I wake up with a sip of a coffee, I just write thoughts of my readers.  Happy to share in 15 days readership for ‘Relationship is Gambling’ has crossed the numbers  more than 100, followed by next post which seems to be interesting for my readers is ‘ Visual Effect Stimuli Irresistible’ which is slightly closer popular post ‘Prospect Networking Bridegroom /Groom Vs Talent’.

Thank you my readers and your continuous patronage for reading my blog will inspire and motivate me to pen my thoughts.

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Sunday, September 2, 2018

Visual Effect Stimuli Irresistible

A billion dollar booming industry is built on the visual aspect of glamour and sexuality. Visual sexiness is the appearance of the person it is said. However, we say seeing is believing, when we see something that we find pleasurable our body reacts. Men and women are little different when it comes to erotic stimuli. From gyrating bikinis to lip biting, elaborated hairstyle to curves and moves, muscular body. Body glitters,fishnet, temporary tattoos,heels, titillating appearance.

What do they do exactly? My readers, Can you guess?

It is very much supported by men that sexually visual effect stimuli are very high as compared to women. Visual effect is a powerful for arousal for male part of body. Men are usually measurement scanners. In the first date, a man will meet a woman for not for her intelligence, not for her wisdom, behaviour but for ‘What a gorgeous woman’, I should go for a date with her? It is never a surprise for me as I dated men, but it limits to first date only. The reason behind is the sexual stimuli of men works. I met a guy and he ‘OFFERED ‘me to be his girlfriend. “What?”,my mind speaks to me, stopped sipping cold coffee, my lips stuck in the straw, and a gentle smile on my face to hear that out.  Sounds funny.  Few men I met, never stopped boasting about their achievements, few were upfront asking me question ‘How come a beautiful woman like you is still single?, How about friends with benefit? How many pierce you have in your body? Do you like it?  Well, few asked how about relationship? I invite you to my house so that we meet and get to know each other. Few on phone, just skip and divert to talk about their fantasies, I dreamt about you last night. My eyebrows raised and speechless, out of question. Just had a coffee and he dreamt about me last night. Well, it is an imagination of men with measurements that excites them. Readers donot judge on characters of men over here as how can they approach women like this, men are entangled in visual effect stimulation.

A gracious woman enters in a restaurant, a group of men I saw turning heads, well few eyeballs moving , few were just a slight chin up, few were eyes off from their girlfriends. As if those men were waiting for so long to have one glance of her. But, it is natural instinct for men. Girlfriends should not be insecure about it. Strong erotic cues fulfilling their desires. Faster heart beat, pupil dilation and a flushed appearance, feels so good.

Let me tell you readers, I am not talking about the second aspect to know a person like quiet, good conversationalist or more.  I am taking the aspect of the first thought that comes in our mind.

Now, let’s take the interesting part, women, how they react to visual effect. Well, women too have fantasies; their stimulation is different from men. Strong stimulation can enhance her confidence, stoke her imagination, and encourage her to be bold sexually. Women go for basic overall appearances in men, a decent man, well dressed and firm in his voice. Few women want men with strong shoulders, few obsessed with abs, few like tall men, it depends, they in the first meet can visualize seeing overall appearance that how much he can be compatible in bed. That’s what she says after the first date, I think I can take a chance, because her erotic desires aroused when she had an eye to eye contact, few unspoken words, her sexual desires tantalise to be close to him. It is thrilling and exciting.

Sight is such an exciting encompassing sense that it leads our mind to different world of desire and fantasy. Visual stimulation is one of the most powerful and highly utilized tools at our disposal. Do you agree?

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